Original Quote #1: Effective Altruism says, “The altruistic Übermensch is a hard-working money mover, a clean-cut advocate or a brilliant innovator of utility-improving devices or ideas. As usual, creative types are ignored if their ideas aren’t lucrative or if they don’t support a favored ideology.”

Revised Quote #1:  In Effective Altruism’s view, “The altruistic Übermensch is a hard-working money mover, a clean-cut advocate or a brilliant innovator of utility-improving devices or ideas. As usual, creative types are ignored if their ideas aren’t lucrative or if they don’t support a favored ideology.”

Original Quote #2: Like Southan said,  “As usual, creative types are ignored if their ideas aren’t lucrative or if they don’t support a favored ideology.”

Revised Quote #2: According to Southan, “As usual, creative types are ignored if their ideas aren’t lucrative or if they don’t support a favored ideology.”

Original Quote #3: He uses Peter Singer’s analogy saying, “Suppose you saw a child drowning in a pond: would you jump in and rescue her, even if you hadn’t pushed her in? Even if it meant ruining your clothes? It would be highly controversial to say ‘no’ – and yet most of us manage to ignore those dying of poverty and preventable disease all over the world, though we could easily help them.”

Revised Quote #3: Using Peter Singer’s analogy Southan writes,“Suppose you saw a child drowning in a pond: would you jump in and rescue her, even if you hadn’t pushed her in? Even if it meant ruining your clothes? It would be highly controversial to say ‘no’ – and yet most of us manage to ignore those dying of poverty and preventable disease all over the world, though we could easily help them.”