There is a constant idea, from a world we live in today, that there are many different symbols recognizing the science on earth. Some scientists say that art helps to define, show, and strengthen scientific evidence while others argue that using a bank analogy helps to show the importance of money in the sciences. Jonah Lehrer wrote an article on incorporating art with the sciences. Lehrer wants his readers to know the importance of bringing the two together when he says, “A century later, physicists are still using his shattered still lifes as a potent symbol of their science.” Even after years of growth and discovery, many physicists are still incorporating art, which is the symbol, to their work to help improve their findings and knowledge. Lehrer uses a symbol to enhance his scientific discoveries just like Mark B. Boslough uses a symbol to enhance his opinion. Boslough believes that a scientific bank account should be used in the science world to help with the discoveries and newly enhanced technology. He announces this topic by acknowledging Gilbert by saying, “‘Knowledge of Nature is an account at [the] bank, where each dividend is added to the principal and the interest is ever compounded…'” Both Lehrer and Boslough use their different symbols to recognize the different aspects of science and life forms. Lehrer uses art to describe how it can enhance the findings and evidence of science and how to incorporate that into what we know now. Boslough uses a bank analogy referencing the importance of spending money to encourage the sciences to improve. Without any of these scientific symbols, many discoveries may not be found or even thought of. They help to enhance what we know about science and how it is able to make theories for our future because, without them, we may never have discovered what we know now.